Russell Stannard is a multi award-winning Educational Technologist and founder of He has more than 86,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. He received awards from the British Council ELTONS, the Times Higher and the University of Westminster for his work in the use of ICT in education. He trains language educators in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. His focus is on the use of technology outside of the classroom to extend learning options for students but he has also worked on the development of blended learning delivery and more recently AI. He often works as a consultant on the development of language learning technologies as well as presenting and teacher training. He has delivered talks in more than 50 countries.
His customers include many of the large publishing houses, software companies creating educational content and many different universities from around the world. He also runs several popular courses with the Norwich Institute for Language Education including Technologies and Approaches to Blended, Hybrid and Online Teaching ( TABHOT) which has been taken by 100s of teachers around the world and has received very positive feedback.
Language Teaching Background
Russell was previously a Principal Educational Technologist at the University of Warwick and the University of Westminster. Before working in educational technology, Russell was the Director of Studies of International House in Seville where he ran the English, French and German language departments. He also worked in Greece as an English teacher ( 2 years) and at Sutton Adult Education College as a Spanish teacher (3 years).
Russell has worked on a number of books including early editions of Inside Out Macmillan, where he wrote photocopiable games and co-wrote the Advanced Workbook. He also wrote material for Wavelength ( Pearson), New Standard English (Macmillan/FLTRP), Hello English ( Pearson Egypt) as well as writing the 'Webwatcher' Column in the English Teaching Professional for over 18 years. More recently he has worked on creating educational video content for organisations such as Kings College University, National Geographic and Ardmore.
He is a recommended Camtasia Trainer and a member of the JISC Expert Users Group. Russell has presented in over 55 countries around the world. His popular weekly newsletter has over 12,000 subscribers.
Russell specialises in the use of Camtasia, SnagIT, Google products and virtual learning environments like Moodle, Zoom, MS Teams and Edmodo. To date Russell has the British Council, Oxford University, Kings College London, the INTO group, Macmillan, Express Publishing, Planeta DeAgostini, Quality Language Services, ESADE University Barcelona, Notttingham Trent University Stirling University Scotland, Brugg University Switzerland, Universal Educational Services Turkey , BBC and many more.